Can you imagine as a child finding a letter from the Easter Bunny himself in your mail box mailed just to you?
To your child the Easter Bunny represents everything fun about Easter and knowing he's just a few hops away will create
a level of excitement impossible to reach otherwise.
In his letter the Easter Bunny will...
- Mention his/her name and gender
- Talk about accomplishments
- Mention family traditions
- Include a custom P.S. message
- Use beautiful stationery
Each letter is easily personalized where you can choose the stationery design, the letter style
$6.00 including shiping and handling
Writing Style 1
Hello , [child's name] |
My name is Peter Rabbit, but I'm sure you know me as the Easter Bunny. I'm quite certain
you know me because I come to your house every year! I have many houses to go to, so I can't stay long, but some people say
I hide Easter eggs quite well. |
I'm writing to you because I hear that you [accomplishment].
That's excellent! I knew you could do it. Your [mother/father/parents/aunt/etc.] is/are
very proud of you and so am I! |
Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and I have been busy over at Mr. McGregor's garden. But we
just heard that Easter is getting near, so we have been out looking for all the eggs to decorate for the big Easter Egg Hunt on
[date/place/etc.]. We have decorated some pretty ones! I know that you like the color
[favorite color]. I am making one that I know your will love. |
Remember to be a good boy/girl and get ready for a great day of fun! I will be there
early, that is if I don't see too many carrots along the way. But don't worry, I won't be late. I have so much fun hiding
your Easter eggs. I hope you have just as much fun finding them! |
Writing Style 2
Hi (child's name)
Isn't Easter fun? Very soon I'll be hop-hop-hoppin' down the bunny trail on Easter Sunday,2009 to visit you
in Mo. Are all the boys and girls in Joplin as excited about coloring and finding Easter eggs as I am? I sure hope
What does Easter mean to you, Levi Rickey? For some children, Easter means chocolate Easter bunnies,jelly
beans and fun-filled surprises. For other boys just like you, Easter brings the promise of new beginnings and Gods's
gifts of rebirth. Its is a time when flowers begin to bloom and spring fills the air.
Levi Rickey, you might like to know that the Easter Bunny, that's me, and my helpers have been very busy
coloring a very special Easter egg just for you. and since you have been such a wonderful boy, I especially hope that the
blessings of Easter fill your life with joy and happiness and a few surprises too! Well time to hippity, hoppity. Lots
and lots of children in Joplin, you know! So many eggs, so little time One more thing, Levi Rickey Be sure to be especially
nice to all your friends and family and show them all the love that truly is the meaning of Easter.
Writing Style 3
Dear , [child's name] |
I am very busy, but wanted to write to you. I have been watching you and know you have
been very good this year, [child's name]. I have some exciting treats for you! |
All my bunny friends are painting beautiful eggs for the Easter egg hunt in [city and state]. |
[name of relative(s) or friend(s)] told me about special
places to hide Easter eggs. |
Mrs. Bunny and I must hippity-hop to make your Easter the best one ever. Have a Happy
Easter, [child's name]. |
Writing Style 4
Happy Easter (Name)!,
It's hard to believe Easter Sunday is just around the corner. I am working hard coloring eggs and preparing treats
and packing baskets. I know that you are looking forward to my visit and I always enjoy stopping in your town each
year. My goodness you have grown so much this year! I almost didn't recognize you, after I asked Santa to borrow his
special "snowball" so that I could have a peek and see how you were doing! I couldn't hardly believe it was really you! I
am so excited about bringing all these fine treats for your basket. Now that you are getting so grown up, I know you won't
have to be reminded to brush your teeth so much, and help out around the house. That really makes me happy! My
helpers and I especially hope that this Easter brings you and your family joy and happiness and maybe a few surprises. Well,
it's time for me to get hippity-hopping along. Be sure to practice your manners and be nice to your friends and family
this Easter and all year long.
Your Very Special Friend, The Easter Bunny